If you do not see your participant's U11 registration team in your TeamSnap, and/or you have not received a request from TeamSnap, please contact Meg Smillie - Division Director @ u11@cloverdaleminorhockey.com

All players in U11 will be following the Hockey Canada U11 Pathway. Part of the U11 Pathway is a series of Pathway Skates which must take place prior to the start of any tryouts or evaluations. These skates are intended to prepare our new U11 players for full ice hockey, and for all U11 players to get in a few fun skates prior to the start of Evaluations. 

Evaluations take place immediately after the pathway skates for each group. 

Please review the Evaluations page for an overview of the process and other details you will want to know.

We will have 4 A teams, and 5 C teams in U11 this season. 

A1 Coach Jim Strang
A2 Coach Wes Hansen
A3 Coach Christian Len
A4 Coach Jay Bedi
C Coaches Bryan Garon, Robin Nedila, Kevin Isaac, Ravi Dhiman

ONE more C Head Coach needed. 



  • First Skate - Please arrive a minimum 45 minutes prior to the ice time. This extra time is to pick up your pinnie, as well as to ensure you are on our roster for the day's skate.
  • Second Skate - Please arrive a minimum of 30 minutes prior to the ice time, to ensure you are ready to be on the ice at the start of the session.

* please note that skate time changes may occur - recheck this page before attending a skate *

Immediately following a participant's final evaluation skate, you must return their pinnie to the CMHA representative (they will not receive a next skating assignment until the pinnie is returned).

A Tryout


  • Please review the Rep Tryout Policy posted on the Evaluations page. 
  • For all A tryout skates, Smash Dryland will be holding warmup 45 minutes prior to scheduled ice times. 
  • All participants attending A Tryouts must attend all assigned sessions unless prior approval from the Division Director has been received.
  • If a participant is sick or injured and must miss a scheduled skate, it is required to complete the Exemption Form prior to that skate in order for an exemption to be approved.
  • The wearing of any equipment with Spring hockey or other 'high performance' logos, as well as Cloverdale Rep pant shells are not permitted during A Tryouts. This policy is in place to eliminate real or perceived bias. Players will be asked to remove these items prior to being allowed on the ice.

Overall Schedule

Planned overall schedule for the first two rounds of tryouts. Subsequent skates communicated via TeamSnap.

C Evaluations

Each participant will take part in (2) two evaluation scrimmages, it is important that each participant attend a minimum of (1) one session. This will help to ensure the drafting of balanced teams.

Groups & Schedule