Ref's Circle

Welcome to the 2024-2025 Season!

Kim Lamberton is our Referee in Chief and Officiating Assigner.

Phone: 778-688-5307


2024-2025 1st Year Officials:

Sufficient applications have been received, so applications are now closed for 1st year Officials for this season. 

2025-2026 1st Year Officials:

Your year of birth must be 2013 or earlier to become a new official next season.

If you wish to become a new official in the 2025-2026 season, please e-mail the following details to:

1. Full Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Level of hockey playing this season and association playing with this season.
4. Contact phone number/s
5. Contact e-mail/s

New officials must be prepared to attend on ice training sessions, Saturday and/or Sunday mornings, until the Remembrance Day weekend.

1st Year Officials will be required to complete an 'Online Officiating 1/2' referee course, as well as a New Official 'Level 1 referee clinic' (or Level 2 if 16 years or older). Once you are accepted into the 1st Year Officials program, the information to complete these clinics will be provided.

You can get a jump on officiating rules by downloading and reading the free Hockey Canada Rule Book App: Android | iOS

The majority of officiating shifts will be primarily on Saturday and Sunday, especially for your first year.  New officials start out doing games at the U9 level and will be advanced to higher levels as they develop the necessary skills.  There is no guarantee as to the number of games you will get your first year, but depending on your availability and the number of new officials in the program, we try to get you as many games as possible.

Full Referee Gear:

Skates, hockey helmet with clear 1/2 visor, jock, black and white ref jersey, finger whistle, H2O bottle and all black athletic/track pants or ref pants.

As you progress in officiating U11 or higher games, or just wish to start from the beginning wearing them, it would be a good idea to include shin pads and elbow pads.

Eventually as you progress to a 3 Official system and do the Referee position, you will need red arm bands that snap onto your ref jersey.

2024-2025 Returning Officials:

All returning officials that wish to continue officiating must attend a re-certification clinic before Dec. 31, 2024 or they will not be eligible to officiate after December 31, 2024.  We hope and look forward to seeing all officials return.

Returning officials can re-certify by registering for a super clinic through BC Hockey.  Clinics usually start to be listed around mid/late August.

NEW! Hockey Canada has recently migrated their online registration system, the new link is:

You will need your Hockey ID to register.  If you do not know your Hockey ID number, please contact our Administrator:

All officials who are 18 years or older will also be required to complete a Criminal Record Check.

References for All Officials:

Download and read the Hockey Canada Rule Book App: Android | iOS

Faceoff Locations

Online Game Incident Report Tutorial